Top Tips for Traveling Solo: What are yours?

Tyler Fox

Managing Editor
Staff member
Hey all!

I never thought I would find myself traveling solo so often, but it's basically become part of my life now. The first time was a bit nerve-wracking if I'm being honest, but now it is something I recommend to everyone.

At least try it once!

One thing that always felt odd to me still until recently was eating out alone. I never really knew what to do with myself and staring at my phone got old fast. I want to enjoy where I am you know?

My new hack for this - audiobooks! (check out Mistborn if you like fiction! Just started the 2nd one))

I love that I can have something occupy my brain a bit and be my 'buddy' at the table while also freeing up my eyes to people-watch and take in the ambiance of the restaurant.

What are some of your favorite hacks for traveling solo?
Being an independent free spirit, I enjoy solo traveling. Below are some tips I can think of...

Join a tour instead of taking a ride share to some places.
Don't look lost, go into a restaurant/restroom to check your direction.
Walk into a restaurant/shop if you need to get rid of stalker.
Dress modestly.
Respect the law of that country, what is allowed in your home country might not be in other countries.