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Last Updated
March 16, 2020
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All Travel worldwide is not recommended. Check with you local government website for advisories that may affect you
You can also check our latest news of the Coronavirus that is affecting travelers
The following is a blog from January 24th of this year and the situation has changed drastically since then.
ORIGINAL BLOG DATED January 24, 2020
Authorities in China today scrambled to shut tourist attractions and public transport systems in 14 cities in a bid to stop the spread of the deadly new coronavirus that has killed at least 26 people.
Much is still unknown about the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak and health officials are urging vigilance.
That means travelers crisscrossing the globe should be aware of the virus, steer clear of heavily impacted areas and exercise some of the same kinds of preventive measures they'd use to avoid influenza and other illnesses.
Advice for travelers
Corona Virus Fast Facts:
- The Wuhan coronavirus has infected more than 900 people and killed 26 around the world so far this month
- Major cities and towns in China are cancelling public transport and closing roads to try and stop the spread
- Hospitals in Wuhan, the outbreak's centre, have been ‘overwhelmed' this week, experts said
- The government has ordered the six-day construction of a new hospital in Wuhan to deal with the virus
- Chinese New Year celebrations planned for the next week have been cancelled in Beijing and Hong Kong
- Report shared with MailOnline suggests 250,000 people – up to 350,000 – will have caught virus by February
Thirteen cities, home to around 40million people, are reported to have followed Wuhan's example and gone into some form of lockdown in the past 24 hours with public transport halted and roads closed.
Other shocking developments in the outbreak today include:
- Four people in Australia have been quarantined – two in Queensland and two in New South Wales – for testing
- Nepal has confirmed its first case of the infection, making it the 10th territory outside of China to do so
- Chinese New Year celebrations planned for this weekend have been cancelled in Beijing and Hong Kong
- Officially, at least 900 people around the world have been infected with coronavirus and 26 have died
- Japan has confirmed its second case and a fifth patient was diagnosed in Thailand today, Friday
- Footage has emerged reportedly showing military personnel guarding a train station
- Videos from inside hospitals show patients crammed into overcrowded corridors and laid on the floor
- Photos have emerged of Chinese construction workers starting urgent building of a new hospital in Wuhan
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