We may finally have moved on from three years of restrictions and travel disruption, and for the average American traveler, it may feel as if the world is their oyster. There is nowhere you can’t go; most countries welcome U.S. citizens with open arms, and now that border curbs are fully lifted, and even once-strict …
American travelers continue to contribute to the travel industry’s epic comeback this year in search of making new memories in exciting places. One country in the Middle East is experiencing a record amount of American tourists this year, even compared to statistics before the pandemic. Visitor numbers have increased as much as 27 percent as …
This September, I spent a whole week exploring Israel and challenging my own misconceptions about the country. Not being necessarily in tune with my own spirituality, I certainly didn’t expect to become as enamored with the ‘Holy Land’ so quickly, let alone arrive at the conclusion that it might be my new favorite fall & …
We just spent a weekend in what’s arguably the most liberal and ‘free’ city in the Middle East, and the things we found and saw there were far more surprising – and dare we say, exciting – than we were expecting. Writing for Travel Off Path, I like to think of myself as a lover …
There’s no stopping Delta now that the world has finally reopened following two years of strict Covid lockdowns. In spite of the current issues facing the aviation sector, ranging from logistical problems to crippling staffing shortages, the airline is bouncing back, having announced new direct flights to three amazing international destinations. With two of them …
Israel has become the latest nation to drop all COVID-19 entry requirements. The nation’s ministry of health said on Tuesday (May 17th) that they would ease the entry rules on Saturday, May 21st. The director of the Israel Government Tourist Office in London, Sharon Ehrlich Bershadsky, said: “This is the news we have been waiting …
Originally one of the strictest countries when it came to entry restrictions during Covid, Israel is now taking a courageous step and scrapping the vaccination requirement for foreign visitors. This means that, starting March 1 all foreigners will be welcome regardless of vaccination status, including unvaccinated Americans and Canadians. Having been completely off-limits for nearly …
American Airlines is looking to make a huge expansion to their international route map for 2022. Beginning May 6th, 2022, American Airlines will launch a new route from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport direct to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel. This will become the third non-stop American Airlines flight direct from the U.S. to …
Israel Reopens Its Borders From January 9th, 2022, Israel has decided to reopen tourism from all countries, including travelers from the United States. The rules will go into effect on Sunday and will enable fully vaccinated and fully recovered travelers to enter if they meet pre-departure and post-arrival testing requirements. Israel cracked down on international …
As the Omicron variant continues to spread across the globe, so do travel restrictions. Today, Israel announced that they are banning travel to the U.S., Canada, and eight other countries over concerns of the variant. Israel Adds U.S. To No-Fly List Today, Israel announced that they will be added the United States to its “no-fly” …
As fears about the new COVID-19 variant spread, Israel has banned foreigners from entering the country for 14 days to halt the spread of the new Omicron strain. According to local media, the ban will begin at midnight on Sunday following full cabinet approval, making it the first country in the world to implement a …
Israel has become the latest of a growing list of countries to reveal that its borders are finally opening at long last for travelers who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Situated at the crossroads of three continents – Europe, Asia and Africa – Israel is a destination full of cultural, historical and religious significance, …