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Australian Tourist Dies After Falling 50 Feet From ‘Snapped’ Zip Line Cable

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An Australian father has died and his wife is in hospital with serious injuries after the tourists fell over 50 feet from a zipline attraction in Queensland's far north.

The couple Dean, 50, and Shannon Sanderson, 48, traveled to the tourist attraction at Camelot Close at Cape Tribulation, while on vaction from their home in Adelaide.

Australian Couple in Zip Line Accident
Dean, 50, and Shannon Sanderson, 48, were on vacation from Adelaide (Photo: Facebook)

Two American tourists who witnessed the fall said the zipline ‘snapped' and after the couple fell to the ground, Sanderson had screamed out her husband's name, but there was no response.

Dean Sanderson died at the scene and his wife was flown by Rescue helicopter to Cairns Hospital in a serious condition. She suffered injuries to her shoulder, arm and pelvis. 

Shannon Sanderson was airlifted to hospital (Photo - Sydney Morning Herald)

Samantha Salyer, one of the American tourists who witnessed the incident, told 7 News it was “very scary” and the pair fell “from very high up”.

“There was a loud noise, we turned around, one of the lines had snapped and we saw them fall. It was very scary, they fell from very high up,” she said. 

Dean Sanderson was pronounced dead at the scene (Photo-Facebook)

The Sanderson family released a statement on Wednesday.

The Zip-line company director Phoebe Kitto released a statement offering her deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those involved.

“It will be thoroughly investigated by Workplace Health and Safety, which will receive our full co-operation,” she said.

“We are offering counselling to staff and to our patrons.”

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