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Since coming to Mazatlán almost 6 months ago, I’ve been on a mission to find the best things to do in the city so that I can share them with you. Let me tell you, there is a LOT of incredibly fun and unique things to do in Mazatlán, but some have stuck out to me more than others. One of those things, is Brenster’s Beach Bash.

The Beach Bash is a weekly party on the playa that happens every single Tuesday between October to May, and after attending FOUR of them myself, I coin it as a ‘must-do’ when visiting Mazatlán.

Don’t just take my word for it. Ask one of the hundreds of fans that show up each week for the all you can drink and all you can dance, day-party in the sand.
Since the bash started out over 10 years ago as a small humble event, it’s now grown mostly through word of mouth, into something that gets international recognition. It’s kind of become synonymous with taking a trip to Mazatlán.
I mean, did you even GO to Mazatlán if you didn’t attend Brenster’s Beach Bash?

So why do I think Brenster’s Beach Bash is worth a spot on your itinerary? Well, there are not too many places on Earth like it.
Where else can you meet new friends, listen to great live music, dance the afternoon away in the sand, with ‘all you can drink’ for under $30? I’m not sure there is another event like it anywhere on the planet.
It’s really the full package: Great live music, fun staff, excellent people watching, buzzing energy, delicious seafood, ice cold drinks, dancing in the sand, and the entire beachy vibe of the whole place.
Plus, you don’t want to experience the major FOMO that comes with not going.

We first got introduced to Brent Mcathey, the man behind it all, when we arrived in Mazatlán. Fellow expats were telling us that he is the guy to know since not only does he have one of the biggest weekly events in town, but because he is such a part of the community as well. Brent invited us to come down and see first-hand what his party is all about.
I have to admit, when I first heard about the beach bash, I thought to myself “Hey, looks fun, but I’m not really a country music fan…” I started to doubt if I would enjoy it before I even gave it a chance. It’s a good thing I went anyway, because I can tell you first-hand that it’s not ALL about the music (which is great by the way!) It’s about how you FEEL when you’re there. It’s about being part of something bigger than yourself and connecting with others.

Here is what I know: The way you feel after you leave Brenster’s Beach Bash is different from when you came. You will have a certain energy about you and a bounce in your step, and more likely than not, a bunch of new people you now call friends. Probably even the Brenster himself.
I can now say with full confidence that even if you dislike country music, you will 100% have a great time at the bash. It’s impossible not to.
I like to think of the Beach Bash as a ‘choose your own adventure’ event. If you’re looking to party, drink and dance in the sand, there’s an option for that. If you’re looking to relax and kick-back in the shade, there’s an option for that too.
If you want to get crazy, then hop in the congo line, do some tequila shots, and dance up a storm in front of the stage.
If you feel like taking it easy, sit back with a nice piña colada, order up a burger and fries, and people-watch to your hearts content.

Let’s take my husband for example who has more than 10 years of sobriety under his belt and is quite the introvert. He still has a blast because the beach bash has more to offer than just buckets of beer. It’s a meet up of like-minded people, all looking to enjoy life in the moment. Who can argue with that?

As for the Brenster himself, I can’t think of anyone who loves Mazatlán more than he does. Not only is he the biggest advocate for Mazatlán’s tourism than I ever seen, but he graciously gives back to the community as often as he can. Between volunteering, charity events, and supporting the local economy, Brent pours his heart and soul into this city and the people who live in it.

The government of Sinaloa gave him the honorable title of Mazatlán's official tourism ambassador for all of the hard work he continually does. You won't meet a guy more passionate about Mazatlán than the Brenster.
I asked Brent what his favorite part of doing the Beach Bash for 10+ years was. He said:
“How many people have become friends over the years.”
And he doesn’t just mean the people who have become personal friends of his, but also how many people have become friends with each other. Brent says one of his greatest accomplishments is having watched life-long relationships forge between his guests at the bash.

Originally from Calgary, Alberta, Brent was born with music running through his blood. He could sing before he could talk, which led him through a successful music career for most of his life. Through years of accolades and awards, travels and tribulations later, he’s figured out where and what is important to him – and to his career. Supporting fellow artists and entertaining friends in the city that stole his heart, Mazatlan, Mexico.

Here is what I know for sure – The Brenster will not only make you feel like a life-long friend, but will also personally make sure you have an amazing time at his bash.
If Brenster's Beach Bash isn't already on your “Things To Do” list, it's time to add it to the top.
See why Tuesday's are the new weekend around here:
What if I don’t like country music?
Even if you’re not a country music fan, you are going to have a good time. Guaranteed.
It's not all country anyway. Prepare to hear lots of your fav songs 😉
Is it kid friendly?
You bet! It’s hard to find the perfect mixed bag these days that is still kid-friendly, yet adult fun, but somehow the bash suits both demographics perfectly.
Kids love to dance in the sand near the stage!
What do I wear to the beach bash?
Anything you want. I have seen girls in everything from jean shorts and bikini tops, to tie-dye sundresses, to pants and a blouse. Guys wear beach shorts, tank tops, t-shirts, or sometimes even a denim vest like the Brenster himself. It’s truly a ‘come as you are’ type of place with no judgements or expectations.

If you need some new beach party gear, there is a Brenster’s Beach Bash merchandise tent with all different kinds of clothing, hats and beer cozies. Tank tops, t-shirts, and even hoodies for cooler beach evenings.
What kind of people go to the Beach Bash?
Is it cliché of me to say “everyone”?
While a large portion of people who attend are Canadian/American expats and retirees, I have seen every kind of person at the bash. Tables of spring breakers in their early 20’s, local Mexican families on vacation, and even people in their 90’s getting their groove on.
How much does it cost?

You can choose your own adventure when it comes to planning your visit to the bash. You can pick a simple cover charge if you just want to hang out or choose from different drink packages if you want to indulge a little while you’re there.
- 500 pesos includes cover charge and all you can drink- beer, shots, blended/mixed drinks ($29 USD)
- 325 pesos includes cover charge and all you can drink, non-alcoholic ($19 USD)
- Or 175 pesos, just cover charge ($10.00 USD)
What kind of drinks are included with the ‘all you can drink’ packages?
Surprisingly, almost everything you could imagine. If you are under the ‘all you can drink’ alcohol package, you can order everything from wine, beer, frozen blended drinks, cocktails, and even tequila shots. If you prefer the non-alcoholic package you can order virgin cocktails and slushy drinks, pop and sodas, and even bottled water.

I do the yellow wristband, which is the ‘all you can drink non-alcoholic' package. I like to order virgin mojitos, mangadas (virgin mango daiquiris) and diet coke!
Can I order food?
Absolutely! They have a great menu with items like nachos, burgers, onion rings, ceviche, shrimp, oysters and lots of other International, Mexican and seafood dishes.
We usually don’t eat lunch and wait to pig out at the bash. We order a few plates for the table to share. I have to give major props to the tuna burger… amazing!
Can I go if I am visiting for the day on a cruise?
Sure you can! The party starts at 2:00pm, so depending when your ship leaves, you can still get a few hours of fun, sun, music and drinks!
In fact, we included Brenster's Beach Bash on our ‘Top 30 Things TO DO on a Cruise Stop in Mazatlan”
Time? Date? Location?
Every TUESDAY from October to May from 2:00pm to 6:00pm.
Diego's Beach House
La Florida 100, Sabalo Country, Mazatlan
2021 Covid-19 Update
Brenster's Beach Bash is back for the 2021 season, starting Tuesday November 2, 2021.
Brenster also has a new stage set up to accommodate more people safely on the beach around the stage.
How do I make a reservation?
Since it's a very popular thing to do on Tuesday's (Oct-May), reservations are highly suggested. It's easy to do, just send a quick message to the Brenster's Beach Bash FB Page and he'll make sure you’re on the list!

Also for more info, head over to Brent's official website:
This article was originally published Feb 26 2020 and has been updated on September 27 2021