The wheels of bureaucracy move agonizingly slowly, and there’s nowhere than that is truer than in the European Union. Months after the idea was first floated, the EU has moved another step closer towards making Covid-19 travel passes a reality, when an agreement was reached between the European Parliament and EU member states last night. …
With news emerging this week that the IATA’s travel pass will be ready in a matter of weeks, it’s hard to see a future for travel during the pandemic that doesn’t feature a vaccine passport in one form or another. Yet whilst more and more airlines agree to pilot the IATA’s app, many countries are …
For some countries, tourism and prosperity are intertwined, with several nations relying on the vast amounts of income generated from tourism in order to flourish. There are fewer places that this is the case more so than it is in Greece. In the Mediterranean idyll of Greece, with its dramatic history, stunning islands and much-vaunted …
As several countries around the world either impose or extend their travel restrictions in the wake of the pandemic, travelers can be forgiven for thinking that their prospects for travel in 2021 are slim. However, recent announcements by Denmark and Sweden suggest that brighter days may be around the corner. The two Scandinavian countries have …