Lao Tzu once said, “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” Let’s be real, though. Lao Tzu didn’t have to deal with 2023’s skyrocketing flight prices and travel boom. Travelers are planning bigger and more expensive trips than ever this year – and rightfully so. Multi-country adventures, wellness-focused activities, and …
With digital nomads to be found in nearly all corners of the world nowadays, it can be hard to keep your finger on the pulse as to where the next big hotspot might be. While Europe and South America remain hugely popular options for digital nomads, no one can deny that the countries of Southeast …
*Further Update January 9, 2023: In a last-minute decision, Thailand decided to cancel the reintroduction of proof of vaccination and remain open restriction-free. This causes mass confusion for many tourists, including some who would have already canceled travel plans. As of today, Thailand remains fully open, but proceed with caution as this last week has …
In a major change of approach, Japan is eyeing autumn as the season to allow for normal tourism and finally remove its harsh border measures, including the visa it imposed on American travelers. Pretty soon, U.S. citizens and other foreigners will be allowed to enter Japan with fewer hurdles. Throughout the pandemic, the East Asian …
Pretty soon, Thailand is set to introduce 2 levels of pricing across the hospitality sector in a bid to revitalize its Covid-struck economy: one for tourists, and another for locals and residents. Yep, that’s right. In the future, you will be expected to pay more for accommodation when visiting Thailand… Only because you’re a tourist. …
Once one of the strictest countries in Southeast Asia, Thailand has been progressively easing its Covid mandates in recent weeks. After removing the Thailand Pass, an entry authorization visitors had to apply for before entering, the country has now lifted all mask requirements, both indoors and outdoors, being the freest it’s ever been in over …
Following two years of tightening the grip on social freedoms, as a result of Covid, Thailand seems to be pushing for more liberal policies. Soon after allowing bars and clubs in the country to resume operations and announcing an end to some of its most severe pandemic restrictions, the country is now lifting a long-standing …
Vaccinated travelers are no longer required to take a Covid-19 pre-departure test before entering Bali, Indonesia. The news arrived on Tuesday (17 May) – with the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, announcing that “domestic and international travelers who are fully vaccinated no longer need to take PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or antigen swab tests,” when …
Vietnam has just removed its Covid testing requirement for all travelers – which means the country now has ZERO Covid-related entry requirements. With effect from 15 May any visitor that is entering Vietnam is no longer required to take a pre-departure Covid-19 PCR test or Rapid Antigen test prior to their arrival. Therefore, traveling to …
Now that Thailand is at its ‘most open’ state for travel in the past two years, more tourists are starting to return to the beautiful Land of Smiles. However, entering isn’t the same process as it was in 2019 and most tourists still have questions or doubts about what it looks like first-hand to enter …
Here we go again. After Thailand removed all testing requirements for vaccinated tourists, many believed it was finally prepared to abandon its infamously strict Covid policies. Although entry procedures have been simplified, those who had been expecting a full reopening to follow will be surprised to learn the country is, in fact, planning to launch …
Malaysia has removed all of its Covid-19 testing requirements for fully vaccinated visitors entering the country – from May 1. Other mandatory requirements for travelers – some of which also apply to Malaysian residents – are also being removed from the same date. What Are The Current Entry Requirements For Vaccinated Travelers Entering Malaysia? Since …