Have you ever let travel advisories or negative headlines deter you? If so, chances are you’re missing out on some of Mexico’s top cultural destinations in favor of Cancun and other curated beach havens. As the holiday season commences, it’s fair to say Mexico often finds itself on the ‘naughty list’, but doesn’t everyone deserve …
We already know that visitor numbers to Mexico are exploding right now, particularly with travelers flying into resort towns like Cancun. But the number of travelers choosing to drive across the border from the U.S. to Mexico is also soaring. According to Heraldo USA, there were over 1.3 million people entering Mexico from …
Travelers find any reason for a sunny escape to Mexico, but this is the perfect time of year to follow through. Cancun, Mexico City, and Los Cabos may tend to top the list of the most sought-after destinations; but there are so many awesome places to visit. Jam-packed with cultural sites and more incredible beaches, …
One of the more underrated parts of Mexico is its cultural border cities. They are quite literally a gateway into Mexico’s beautiful culture, but tend to hold a reputation of being dirty, run-down, and dangerous. While that can be true in certain areas, why not view geography as your friend? Just across the U.S. is …
Tijuana’s claim to fame is being the Most Visited Border City in the world. While this sprawling underrated city does receive a ton of tourism, most of it comes from foot traffic. Being the most visited border crossing in the world, these tourism statistics are heavily inflated by border crossers, whether it’s locals who work …
There is a problem at some of San Diego’s beaches, and it stinks! Rain has uncharacteristically pounded Southern California in recent weeks, making an ongoing problem even more potent. Estimates suggest billions of gallons of sewage have been spewing into San Diego ocean waters. To those visiting San Diego, this may be a surprise. To …
Due to an increase in violence in the region, the U.S. government issued a warning to its citizens this week to avoid travel to Tijuana and other parts of Mexico. How will this affect travelers in Mexico? We’ve got all the details below. U.S. Consulate Advisory To Americans In Mexico The announcement was made on …
Travelers have been warned to reconsider travel, the government is concerned about crimes and kidnappings in the region The U.S. Department of State issued a new travel warning for US citizens visiting Tijuana and Baja California. The update comes after recent cases of kidnapping and violence in the region. The amendment has been made just …
Located just across the Mexico-United States border from San Diego, CA, Tijuana is a popular vacation spot in Mexico. Its close proximity to the U.S., as well as a variety of fun attractions and beautiful scenery, have ensured this. From beaches to taco trucks, here are 10 things to do on your next trip to …
Tijuana is one of the most recognizable cities. A gateway to Mexico, it has the world’s busiest border crossing. This modern and dynamic city is filled with history, industry, restaurants, hotels, and the best hospitals in Mexico. Cross Border Xpress (CBX): The Cross Border Xpress or CBX is an enclosed pedestrian sky bridge for travelers …