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Saturday 1st of August 2020
This website is amazing this is not directed at you, Trevor, but as a physician, I feel like things have become so out of hand with the way things are being reported and governments and choosing to "convey" information". Because we are so hyper vigilant now, ANY symptom, is going to go reported. All this article says is crew members were "sick" - well what is sick? LOL How many people do you imagine on any actual cruise ship may come down with a minor URI/GI bug during the midst of a 7-10 day cruise that are never typically reported? I would imagine 1-5% is not an unheard number. In this case, we have no idea WHY these people went to the hospital. My guess is, they are doing just fine, and are only in the hospital because they had to determine whether or not these four people had COVID. But now all of a sudden, this is a huge deal. I'm sorry but I am sick and tired of hiding from this thing. It's time to move on people. It's a virus. It exists. It's going to be there. We can't stop it. It's one billionth our side. Time to travel and live life while we have it,
Saturday 1st of August 2020
Glenn, I'm feeling the same way, and so is one of my closest friends who is also a physician. It is not sustainable, it is not even working (see Australia or Vietnam, where there have been full lockdowns and yet cases have only risen), and it is causing immense global problems for many according to OxFam, UNICEF, and the UN's World Health Programme. Even WHO says it's not sustainable to keep borders closed like this. It is time to live because life is short. WHO said, today, it could be decades before we stop feeling the impacts of this, and CDC says we may never eradicate it. We never closed borders over far more fatal and contagious illnesses in the past, and it really makes no sense to do so now.